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Certificates of Ministry Offer

Concentrated study in the following areas:


Certificate of Ministry in the Gospels & Acts


NT113: The Beatitudes*        

Dr. Ronald E. Cottle

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online 

*Book included with course

Description: This course provides an in-depth study of each of the profound declarations of Jesus to his disciples in Matthew 5. Each is analyzed for its eternal value to us today.

NT531: Synoptic Gospels I*             

Dr. Ronald E. Cottle

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: Part One of a two-part course which will examine and synthesize  Matthew, Mark, and Luke. The Synoptic Problem and Mark will be examined individually and in relation to each other. 

NT532: Synoptic Gospels II*         

Dr. Ronald E. Cottle

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course*

Description: Part Two of a two-part course which will examine and synthesize the Gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Matthew and Luke will be examined individually and in relation to each other and to Mark. Commonalities and distinctions between the Synoptic Gospels and the Fourth Gospel are also featured.

NT555: The Book of Acts: The Spirit & the Mission of the Church*

Dr. Jerry W. Horner

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: A study of the beginnings and expansion of the early Church, with particular attention given to the role of the Holy Spirit and to apostolic ministry.  

NT636: The Lord’s Prayer*                 

Dr. Ronald E. Cottle

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online 

*Book included with course

Description: A study of the prayer Jesus taught His disciples to pray. Emphasis is placed upon the overall purpose of prayer. Each petition is analyzed for its deepest meaning and application for today.

Certificate of Ministry in the General Epistles & Revelation


NT124: Certificate of Ministry in the Pauline Epistle                          

Dr. Ian Bond

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: This course looks at the historical context of the Book of Hebrews. It explores the overwhelming superiority of Christ. It applies to our own lives, insights, and principles taught in Hebrews








NT225: The Book of Hebrews*                         

Dr. Ian Bond

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: This course looks at the historical context of the Book of Hebrews. It explores the overwhelming superiority of Christ. It applies to our own lives, insights, and principles taught in Hebrews


NT525: The Letters of John*                            

Dr. Ian Bond

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: An in-depth study of the Letters of John, which were written to believers uncertain about their spiritual status. An unsettling conflict with the teachers of a false doctrine, Cerinthianism, which was a forerunner of second century Gnosticism, is emphasized.


NT626: Studies in the Book of James*               

Dr. Charles Gaulden

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: A study of the hidden pirates that attempt to rob our treasure of peace and joy. The course is based on key New Testament principles of achieving spiritual success.


NT670: The Book of Jude                              

Dr. Mark Allen

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: An exegetical and interpretive study of the Book of Jude. We search out its richness of meaning by an examination of the original language, historical backgrounds, and parallel passages.

NT840: The Seven Churches of Revelation*  

Dr. Ronald E. Cottle

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: A study of the seven churches of Revelation (Chapters 1-3). These churches represent the Church of all ages and those of the first century. This course gleans the eternal principles in the words of Jesus and applies them to contemporary Christians.

Certificate of Ministry in Old Testament Studies

OT115: Survey of the Old Testament I*       

Dr. Charles H. Gaulden

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: A study of the first half of the Old Testament. Emphases include: major geography of the Old Testament and its impact on the Scriptures, the introduction to the Pentateuch, the introduction to the historical books, and seventeen Old Testament books.

OT120: Survey of the Old Testament II*      

Dr. Charles H. Gaulden

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: A study of the second half of the Old Testament. Emphases include: major archaeological discoveries and their impact on the Scriptures, the introduction to Hebrew Poetic and Wisdom Literature, the formation to the Old Testament Survey, and the introduction to the Prophetic Literature.

OT401: The Bible as a Whole*         

Dr. Duane Christensen

Availability: DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: The development of Scripture from the time of Moses, to the death of John (96 c.e.). The structure, content, and unity of the Bible is shown in terms of the ancient Jewish concept of Tanakh (=Torah + Prophets + Writings), with the Christian Bible emerging in the hands of John as the “Completed Tanakh.”

OT525: Old Testament Theology*                   

Dr. Ian Bond

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: A study of the methodology and selected basic themes of Old Testament theology, their relation to New Testament theology, and their relevance for the mission and message of the contemporary Church.  

OT350: The Minor Prophets*                           

Dr. Ian Bond

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: A survey of the last twelve books of the Old Testament known as the minor prophets. The history of God’s people from 800 – 500 B.C. Highlights include the historical background, the primary message, and the application of each of the books.

Certificate of Ministry in the Pentateuch

OT314: The Ten Commandments*      

Dr. Ronald E. Cottle

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: The Ten Commandments contain the basis for the faith of the Old and New Testaments.

Modern Western civilization can be traced to these ten precepts. This course analyzes their meaning, sees their expression in the teaching of Jesus and the New Testament, and applies their principles to today.

OT410: The Tabernacle of Moses*                   

Dr. Ian Bond

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: A study of the tabernacle in the wilderness. The construction of the tabernacle, the basic symbolism and significance of the materials, layout and furnishings. Emphasis is on requirements for entering the holiest of all-God’s intimate, personal presence

OT660: Genesis and the Grace of God*             

Dr. Charles Gaulden

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: God’s grace in confrontation with man’s sin, from Adam to Jacob. Physical geography, biblical archeology, and typology from Adam to Joseph will be discussed. The presence of Christ will also be studied in the appearance of the angel of the Lord. 

OT670: The Pentateuch: Part I*      

Dr. Duane Christensen

Availability: DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: Part one of a study of the first five books of the Old Testament. Attention is given to the historical and geographical context in which the biblical narrative takes place. Understanding of geography, history and cultural considerations. Key foundational concepts: creation, covenant, redemption, law, and sacrifice.

OT675: The Pentateuch: Part II*    

Dr. Duane Christensen

Availability: DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: Part two of a study of the first five books of the Old Testament with emphasis on the text itself and the historical and geographical context in which the biblical narrative takes place. Key theological concepts are discussed: creation, covenant, redemption, law, and sacrifice.  

Certificate of Ministry in Old Testament Prophecy

OT350: The Minor Prophets*                           

Dr. Ian Bond

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: A survey of the last twelve books of the Old Testament known as the minor prophets. The history of God’s people from 800 – 500 B.C. Highlights include the historical background, the primary message, and the application of each of the books.

OT399: The Book of Isaiah*                             

Dr. Ian Bond

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: A study of the great truths and principles of the Book of Isaiah. Emphasis is placed on reasoning together with God, seeing the Lord, waiting on the Lord, comforting people and seeing a great light. Many practical applications are made.

OT519: Major Prophets*                     

Dr. Charles Gaulden

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: This course is a study of the major prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah. 

OT520: The Book of Ezekiel*              

Dr. Charles Gaulden

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: This course covers the Babylonian exile, the call of Ezekiel, unique features of his calling and ministry, messages to Judah and surrounding nations, prophecies concerning Israel, and principles of ministering during difficult times.


OT645: The Anointing: It’s Nature and How to Receive It*                                        

Dr. Ronald E. Cottle

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: A study of spiritual anointing based on Elijah and Elisha. Topics include the three winds of God, the nature of the anointing, birthing a new move of God, phases of development, the double portion anointing, and steps into the anointing. 

Certificate of Ministry in Theological Foundations


BT105: Back to Basics                          

Dr. Judson Cornwall

Availability: DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online 

*Book included with course

Description: A primer for understanding the Bible doctrines that shape Christian living. The basics of the Scriptures, salvation, Christian culture, the Holy Spirit, Christian ceremony, faith, worship, healing, our enemy, righteousness, peace, joy, prayer, giving, ministry, Heaven and Hell.

BT440: God’s Eternal Plan                     

Dr. Fuchsia Pickett

Availability: DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: The eternal plan of God for mankind is revealed in the Scriptures. It includes a study of the relationship of time and eternity, the nature of the Godhead, man’s creation and fall, the redemptive work of the Lamb, and the Servant ministry of the Holy Spirit.

BT510: Laying the Foundation                     

Dr. James Beall

Availability: DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: This course examines the doctrine of salvation in terms of the “foundation stones” as outlined in Hebrews 6:1-3. We study these foundation stones in great detail in light of personal salvation.  

BT571: A New Testament Study of Grace       

Dr. Larry W. Linkous

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description:. The study centers on reformation (Hebrews 9:10) and challenges the student to discard cumbersome religious irrelevances that would entangle the believer’s life in old covenant law and external fleshly regulations.

BT726: Biblical Theology of the Kingdom          

Rev. James Hodges

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: This is a study of the Kingdom of God and its relationship to the church and its mission in today’s world. Topics include defining the Kingdom of God, the relationship between the Kingdom and the church, entering the Kingdom, extending the Kingdom, and locating the Kingdom.

Certificate of Ministry in the Spirit-Filled Life

BT805: Holy Spirit II                               

Dr. Fuchsia Pickett

Availability: DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: This course is a continuation of BIBT217. Topics include the gifts of the Spirit, the fruit of the Spirit, and what it means to walk in the Spirit.

PT330: God’s Manifest Presence           

Dr. Philip Goodson

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: This course is a study of times of refreshing when the Holy Spirit moves with unusual manifestations in the Body of Christ. Objectives include examining the Church’s response to the manifestations of the Spirit and stirring the flames of revival.

PT335: Experiencing and Encountering the Holy Spirit*                                                       Dr. Larry Keefauver

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: Biblical truths and principles for understanding the person and work of Holy Spirit. How to encounter Him personally through exploring the Word, examining one’s present relationship, and moving toward deepening one’s experiences with Him.

PT446: God Hedge: Fruit of the Spirit     

Dr. Mike Murray

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: An in-depth study of the Fruit of the Spirit and how it affects the life of the Church. Encourages the New Testament Christian to walk daily inside the hedge of God.

PT680: The Glory of God*                                                                            

Dr. John D. Shiver

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, FlashDrive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: The revelation of the Glory of God in scripture and in historical revivals of the past. God desires to reveal Himself in the Church and in the earth increasingly in the near future. Leaders must be prepared to cooperate with Him in all that He desires to do.



Certificate of Ministry in Biblical Counseling

CC150: Introduction to Biblical Counseling*        

Dr. Mike Chapman

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: Biblical principles of human personality and how personal change occurs. Special focus on the church as God’s healing institution, the unique features of Christian counseling, and the development of a biblical approach to counseling.

CC176: Foundations of Christian Counseling*  

Rev. Leroy Judd

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: A fresh perspective on the role that counseling can play in the local church.  Counseling theories are presented with a solid grasp of current trends both secular and Christian..  Theories and techniques in Christian counseling. 

CC511: Interpersonal Relationships and Personality Patterns*CEU                                      Dr. David Baldwin

Availability: DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: Based on Romans Chapter 12, students will conduct a survey that will help identify their own personality patterns. Improve interpersonal communication skills. Learn to “read people” quickly and accurately. Enhance relationships at home, work, and church.

CC520: Resolving Conflict and Anger God’s Way*CEU  

Dr. William Graybill

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: Conflict is unavoidable; however, we often avoid handling it due to fear, lack of skill, and a lack of understanding of the Word of God.  This course will alleviate the fear, give the skills, and help each person see the mandate of scripture to manage conflict.


CC960: Journey toward Wholeness CEU 

Rev. Don Crossland

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: A spiritual and emotional growth model with an emphasis on restoration. Topics include replacing false belief systems with truth, replacing wrong relationships with healthy ones, replacing immature human response with God’s wisdom.

©2018 Holy Tabernacle Church International Bible College

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