Holy Tabernacle Church International Bible College
Course Schedule Year 4
BT577: The Art and Science of Biblical Interpretation Rev. David Smith
Availability: Live Only
Description: Designed to emphasize the importance of reading the Bible with a proper understanding of what the Holy Spirit through the sacred writers intended to communicate to us and to train the student in the skills required to do accurate interpretation.
CC520: Resolving Conflict and Anger God’s Way*CEU Dr. William Graybill
Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: Conflict is unavoidable; however, we often avoid handling it due to fear, lack of skill, and a lack of understanding of the Word of God. This course will alleviate the fear, give the skills, and help each person see the mandate of scripture to manage conflict.
CC660: You Can Have a Happy Family*CEU Dr. Morris Sheats
Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: Biblical principles to guide a Christian family. Topics include: the role of the husband, the role of the wife, parenting skills and family finances. A solid, biblical model of effective family living is presented.
HT700: Jewish Background of the New Testament* Dr. Ronald E. Cottle
Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: This course deals with the Hebrew-Jewish world into which the Gospel, the Church and the Scriptures came. Influences of the political, religious and social developments of various groups during the first century upon the New Testament are emphasized.
NT511: New Testament Theology* Dr. Ian Bond
Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: This course is a study of the methodology and selected basic themes of New Testament theology, their relation to the Old Testament, and their relevance for the mission and message of the contemporary church.
OT525: Old Testament Theology* Dr. Ian Bond
Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: A study of the methodology and selected basic themes of Old Testament theology, their relation to New Testament theology, and their relevance for the mission and message of the contemporary Church.
PT595: The Emerging Missional Church Dr. Greg Williamson
Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: Rekindles the apostolic imagination at the heart of biblical faith. Encourages the student to daring missional engagement for our time—living the Gospel within its cultural framework rather than perpetuating an institution.
PT690: Relational Teambuilding*CEU Dr. David Baldwin
Availability: DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: Building synergistic relationships in the workplace and in the Church. A biblical pattern of team-based ministry. Practical benefits and reasons why teams succeed or fail.
PT501: Expository Preaching*CEU Dr. Ronald E. Cottle
Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: This course focuses on the development of skills and resources for effective biblical preaching. Special emphasis is placed on the role of expository preaching, how to prepare for it, how to outline it, how to deliver it.
PT322: Successful Leadership*CEU Dr. Ronald E. Cottle
Availability: DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: A study of principles of successful church leadership. Emphases include requirements to be a successful leader, integrity in ministry, the shepherd-rancher model of pastoring, church government, the set man, and solutions to common leadership problems.
OT826: Rebuilding with Nehemiah* Rev. Terry Mahan
Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: This course answers the questions, “Does God Recycle? Does He give us a second chance?” The life principle of restoration is traced in this Old Testament study.