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Certificates of Ministry Offer

Concentrated study in the following areas:

Certificate of Ministry in Biblical Counseling

CC150: Introduction to Biblical Counseling*            

Dr. Mike Chapman

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: Biblical principles of human personality and how personal change occurs. Special focus on the church as God’s healing institution, the unique features of Christian counseling, and the development of a biblical approach to counseling.

CC176: Foundations of Christian Counseling*    

Rev. Leroy Judd

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: A fresh perspective on the role that counseling can play in the local church.  Counseling theories are presented with a solid grasp of current trends both secular and Christian Theories and techniques in Christian counseling.   


CC511: Interpersonal Relationships and Personality Patterns*CEU       

Dr. David Baldwin

Availability: DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: Based on Romans Chapter 12, students will conduct a survey that will help identify their own personality patterns. Improve interpersonal communication skills. Learn to “read people” quickly and accurately. Enhance relationships at home, work, and church.

CC520: Resolving Conflict and Anger God’s Way*CEU                              

Dr. William Graybill

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: Conflict is unavoidable; however, we often avoid handling it due to fear, lack of skill, and a lack of understanding of the Word of God.  This course will alleviate the fear, give the skills, and help each person see the mandate of scripture to manage conflict.

CC960: Journey toward Wholeness*CEU                                                     

Rev. Don Crossland

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: A spiritual and emotional growth model with an emphasis on restoration. Topics include replacing false belief systems with truth, replacing wrong relationships with healthy ones, replacing immature human response with God’s wisdom.

Certificate of Ministry in Pastoral Ministry

PT519: The Bible and Hospitality             

Rev. Doris Hardy Asbury

Availability: DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: Strengthen the foundation of hospitality in the local church through information and application. Jehovah’s love and provision for the stranger under Mosaic Law is studied through biblical examples and application of the provisional laws given for the local church.

PT535: Practical Ministry Principles CEU        

Dr. Ken Gaub

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: Clear-cut dreams to accomplish things for God, for His Kingdom and for our personal lives. Examples of those who have achieved great things. Practical ways to chart our progress and attain the goals we have set through planning.

PT595: The Emerging Missional Church            

Dr. Greg Williamson

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: Rekindles the apostolic imagination at the heart of biblical faith. Encourages the student to daring missional engagement for our time—living the Gospel within its cultural framework rather than perpetuating an institution.


PT690: Relational Teambuilding*CEU     

Dr. David Baldwin

Availability: DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: Building synergistic relationships in the workplace and in the Church. A biblical pattern of team-based ministry. Practical benefits and reasons why teams succeed or fail.  

PT727: Building Churches that Last*    

Dr. Larry Asplund

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: Explores the “first church” described in the book of Acts, seeking to observe dynamics and principles that can be used to establish a local church that will be more than a fad but will last until Jesus comes.

Certificate of Ministry in Prayer & Intercession


BT225: Prayer: Its Power and Purpose*        

Dr. J. Gordon Henry

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: A foundational study of prayer. The course will focus on a scriptural and systematic study of spiritual warfare. Students will come to see that Satan has already been defeated and has no place to stand.

BT623: How to Pray the Father’s Heart*            

Rev. Terry Mahan

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: A practical examination of prayer in regard to biblical principles. Emphasis is placed on knowing and praying the Father’s Heart revealed in Jesus’ life and prayers.

PT125: The Praying Church                         

Dr. Sue Curran

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: A study of God’s purpose for corporate prayer in the church as demonstrated in Scripture. Topics include the principle of agreement, having the spirit of prayer, going over the wall, knowing He hears us, and the why, who and how of leading in corporate prayer.

PT623: Prayer in Another Dimension          

Dr. Sue Curran

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: Overview of the current powerful, supernatural move of God in many nations of the earth.  Evaluate the cause of the general lack of power in the American church. Discover the keys to releasing the miraculous power of God today.

PT816: How to Hear the Voice of God      

Dr. Drew Rousse

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: Discerning the voice of God. Topics include preparing to hear God, the voice of the Spirit, observation and notation, revelation of dreams, and numerology. Emphasis is placed on distinguishing between the right voice and the wrong voices.

Certificate of Ministry in Worship Ministry

BT545: A Theology of Worship              

Dr. Fuchsia Pickett

Availability: DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: This course demonstrates the pathway to a deeper, fuller, more satisfying relationship with God. It teaches you to embrace the heavenly Father in worship and experience the fullness of all He has for you. You will learn how pure spiritual worship positions you to receive God Himself and His blessings for you. 

OT214: Davidic Worship: Tabernacle of David*   

Dr. Paul Harthern

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: A study of the Tabernacle of David with special emphasis upon praise and worship. The student will learn how to employ and enjoy the privilege and principles of Davidic worship.

PT508: The Priority of Praise and Worship CEU    

Ronald K. Kenoly

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: Elements and dynamics of effective praise and worship in the local church for pastoral leaders, musicians, and others in worship. Understanding of the worship experience, the practice of praise and worship for a congregation, and the biblical foundations for becoming worshipers of the living God.

PT540: A Study of Biblical Worship      

Rev. Paul Freeman

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: Insight into the nature of a worshiper. Various key words on worship in the English text will be examined in light of the original Hebrew and Greek. Special interests include the first worship leader, a biblical pattern for worship, and the benefits of worship. 

PT605: The Philosophy of Worship    

Dr. Judson Cornwall

Availability: DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: A study of the attitude and act of worship. The philosophy of preparation to worship, prayer in worship, and praise in worship will be discussed. The philosophy of worship in the Old and New Testaments and as actively practiced in Heaven right now will also be discussed.

Certificate of Ministry in Evangelism & Missions

PT301: Equipping for Evangelism CEU      

Rev. Gary Beasley

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: Instruction on how to communicate the faith of Jesus Christ to others. This is an extensive and practical plan of personal evangelism. Emphasis is placed on following-up and establishing new converts into the local church.

PT403: The Theology of Relationships*   

Dr. Gary Stewart

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: This course teaches students how to be effective in a sin-infected world. Many do not possess the ability to build quality relationships in the home, church, and market place. Biblical truths and practical lessons for building quality relationships are presented.

PT415: New Strategies for Evangelism*CEU         

Dr. Gerald Johnson

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: Includes the basic New Testament principles of communicating Christ to the lost world, and “the engaging of the Culture” with a coherent gospel through the power of the Holy Spirit.

PT502: Theology of Missions*                  

Dr. David Shibley

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: The role of world evangelization in  fulfilling our Lord’s Great Commission. The theology and history of Christian missions. Helps the student find his or her place in God’s global drama to see His Son worshiped by all people and nations.

PT644: Effective Evangelism Strategies for the Twenty-first Century*CEU               Dr. Jerry Brandt

Availability: Live Only

*Book included with course

Description: A fresh look at “Kingdom of God witnessing” and how Jesus is the New Testament pattern for evangelism today. Practical, contemporary tools for evangelism that work in the 21st century.

Certificate of Ministry in Spiritual Warfare

PT526: The Believer’s Authority*           

Rev. Randy Clark

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: Examines the unseen forces at work in the world. Particular emphasis is given to the origin of Satan, his motivation for attacking God’s creation and Jesus’ victory to give believers authority over him. The origin, powers and limitations of demons are also explained.

PT606: The Theology of Spiritual Authority          

Dr. Gary Kisner

Availability: DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: A study of spiritual authority. Special emphasis is placed upon God’s direct and delegated authority, and the correct response to each. Rebellion against and obedience to God’s authority, suffering and authority, the importance of being under authority, proper attitudes of authorities, and relationships governed by authority are all discussed.

PT616: Spiritual Warfare                     

Dr. Milford Gamble

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: This course is designed to teach the nature and character of our enemy and the battle that we as Christians are involved in today. In addition you will come to understand the weapons that God has provided for us, their purpose, and how to use them.

PT640: Freer Than You Ever Dreamed      

Dr. Sue Curran

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: This course explores the subject of authority over the power of the enemy and establishes the student in this authority. Upon this foundation of authority, the full scope of deliverance is taught.

PT641: Spiritual Deception: A Biblical Study*

Dr. Michael Sedler

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: The impact upon a life involved in listening to or spreading gossip, slander, or other forms of evil reports. Emphasis upon the repercussions that occur within a life, and how it impacts those around us. Levels of defilement that lead to deception will be investigated. 


Certificate in Ministry in Advanced Leadership Studies

PT255: Leadership Principles I*CEU     

Dr. Ronald E. Cottle

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: This is a course in the series: Leadership Principles. Students will evaluate contemporary leadership challenges. They will propose solutions to develop the thinking processes and skills needed to transform organizations through effective leadership.

PT420: Strengthening Leaders                        

Dr. Paul Estes

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: A study focusing on God’s leaders beginning with Abraham to the present day. The successes and failures of leadership are analyzed in order to profit from their example. Practical methods of accomplishing God’s purposes are presented.


PT555: Leadership Principles II*CEU    

Dr. Ronald E. Cottle

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: This is a course in the series: Leadership Principles. Numerous principles of leadership are studied. Emphasis is on techniques of problem solving, handling criticism and forging goals and objectives.

PT675: Cultivating Kingdom Champions*CEU      

Dr. David Baldwin

Availability: DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: Basic ministry and management skills. A spiritual tool for mentoring future champions. Students will learn the characteristics, attitudes, mindset, core competencies, and positive practices of champions serving in God’s Kingdom.


PT705: Leadership Principles V*        

Dr. Ronald E. Cottle

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: This is course five in the series: Leadership Principles. A study of principles, practices, attitudes and strategies for succeeding in the hard places of one’s life and ministry. Success patterns from the lives of both biblical and contemporary characters are studied. Emphasis is placed on what is required to be an effective leader and servant in the most difficult situations. Special chapters include: “Dry

Times,” “What to Do When You Shipwreck,” “Whipping Disappointments before They Whip You,” and “Breaking Free from Strongholds,” and others.



Certificate of Ministry in Apostolic Ministry

PT213: Spiritual Fathering*                            

Dr. Ken Sumrall

Availability: DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book not included with course

Description: This study reveals the importance of fathers to the home and church. It also inspires spiritual fathers, sons, and daughters to assume their biblical responsibilities. It shows how God is restoring Apostolic fathers to the Church and His purposes in relation to fatherhood.

PT528: Apostolic Ministry                              

Dr. John Kelly

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: Practical application of the modern day ministry of apostles. The theology of apostolic ministry, how apostles are developed, what authority they have, how they relate to others, what is their main focus, the different types of apostles, etc. The New Apostolic Reformation is explained and emphasized by one of its premier leaders.

PT587: Contemporary Christian Issues I*

Dr. Phillip Byler

Availability: Live Only

*Book not included with course

Description: First in a series of in-depth studies of contemporary apostolism producing a broad understanding of the genesis, the development, the demise, and the restoration of the apostolic as a practical and necessary standard of church government and operations. 

PT645: The Apostle and the Church*

Dr. Ronald E. Cottle

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: A study of the nature and role of apostles in the church. Biblical evidence is treated and the lives and opinions of five current apostolic leaders are studied. A lecture and an interview by the instructor of each well-known apostolic figure is featured.


PT685: Leadership Principles III*       

Dr. Ronald E. Cottle

Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online

*Book included with course

Description: This is a course in the series: Leadership Principles. Focuses on creating and assembling members of an Apostolic Ministry Team in a local church or other ministry. Designed to emphasize how to choose team members, hindrances, benefits, training, and the multiplication of power in an effective team. Loyalty as a central ingredient is examined. The nature of an Apostolic Ministry Center concludes the study.

Certificate of Ministry the Pauline Epistles


NT124: The Book of Galatians*

Dr. Ronald E. Cottle

Availability: Live, DVD, MP3-CD, FlashDrive

Online Description: This course is an exegetical study of Galatians. The English text is used with insights from the Greek. Special emphases include law vs. grace, defining the apostle, flesh vs. spirit; and sowing and reaping.


NT211: Romans I: Wrath to Righteousness*

Dr. Ronald E. Cottle

Availability: Live, DVD, MP3-CD, FlashDrive

Online Description: This course is a study of Romans 1-3. The English text is used with insights from the Greek. Emphasis is placed upon the power of the Gospel, faith, the wrath of God, and righteousness.

NT224: The Book of First Corinthians I*

Dr. Ronald E. Cottle

Availability: Live, DVD, MP3-CD, FlashDrive

Online Description: The theological and moral problems dealt with by Paul in the first six chapters of First Corinthians. Topics include church divisions, lawsuits, and morality issues. The course is rich with insights from the original Greek.


NT313: The Book of Ephesians*

Dr. James Ferguson

Availability: DVD, MP3-CD, FlashDrive

Online Description: This course is a verse by verse exegetical study of Paul's epistle to the church at Ephesus. Emphases include definitions of important words and phrases, important insights into truths that are implied and expressed, and practical suggestions as to how to make the divine revelations in this epistle a daily reality.


NT421: The Pastoral Letters

Rev. James Hodges

Availability: Live, DVD, MP3-CD, FlashDrive

Online Description: This course presents a topical and exegetical introduction to 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus. Special attention is given to the subject of biblical leadership in the New Testament Church.

NT560: Paul: The Man*

Dr. Ronald E. Cottle

Availability: Live, DVD, MP3-CD, FlashDrive

Online Description: Part one of a two-part study of the life, conversion, and travels of the Apostle Paul based upon the biblical evidence from Acts and certain Epistles. It includes an analysis and overview of several of Paul’s letters studied chronologically.

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