Holy Tabernacle Church International Bible College
Course Schedule Year 2
OT450: Training for Reigning: Life of David II* Dr. Ronald E. Cottle
Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: A continuation of BIOT250. This course covers David’s life and reign as King of Judah and Israel. Special emphasis on people and events that shaped David’s reign.
PT511: The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership*CEU Dr. Randal Langley
Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: Based on John Maxwell’s internationally acclaimed, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. Clear, practical and life-changing. Wealth of practical insights on what it takes to be an effective leader.
NT120: Survey of the New Testament II* Dr. Ronald E. Cottle
Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: Overview of the historical, political and social contents of Acts – Revelation. Attention is given to authorship, dates, canonicity, structure, styles, and themes with emphasis and exposition of key passages and their doctrinal significance. .
CC176: Foundations of Christian Counseling*
Rev. Leroy Judd
Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: A fresh perspective on the role that counseling can play in the local church. Counseling theories are presented with a solid grasp of current trends both secular and Christian Theories and techniques in Christian counseling.
HT622: History of Christianity in America II* Dr. Stephen Mansfield
Availability: DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: The origin and growth of Christianity in America beginning with the American Revolution and ending with the 1980s. Emphasis is placed upon significant events and times as viewed from a biblical and Christian perspective.
OT120: Survey of the Old Testament II* Dr. Charles H. Gaulden
Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: A study of the second half of the Old Testament. Emphases include: major archaeological discoveries and their impact on the Scriptures, the introduction to Hebrew Poetic and Wisdom Literature, the formation to the Old Testament Survey, and the introduction to the Prophetic Literature.
NT555: The Book of Acts: The Spirit & the Mission of the Church* Dr. Jerry W. Horner
Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: A study of the beginnings and expansion of the early Church, with particular attention given to the role of the Holy Spirit and to apostolic ministry.
NT503: Transformers: Keys from the Letters to the Seven Churches in Asia* Dr. Larry Asplund
Availability: Live, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: An examination of local congregations as salt, light, and leaven in their communities. Using Revelation 1-3, the redemptive mission of the church to represent Christ and the Kingdom of God in their communities is examined and encouraged.
BT321: Christology* Dr. Sandra Kennedy
Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: Study of Jesus Christ, God’s perfect man, man’s perfect God. This study includes His preexistence in eternity, His birth, His humanity, His crucifixion, and His resurrection.
BT355: Christian Ethics* Dr. Mark Rutland
Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: A study of the general nature of Christian morals and of specific moral choices. Emphasis is placed upon Christian principles of right or good conduct and the rules or standards governing conduct. Topics include the holiness of God, life-style virtues, inner virtues and the virtue of Christ.