Holy Tabernacle Church International Bible College
Course Schedule Year 1
OT250: Training for Reigning: Life of David I* Dr. Ronald E. Cottle
Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: Principles of leadership and training based upon the calling, training, and rule of David. Special emphasis is placed upon David’s life and the classrooms of preparation through which he walked. Also studied are David’s call, his anointing, his character, and his faithfulness to God.
HT445: History of Christianity in America I* Dr. Stephen Mansfield
Availability: DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: Traces the origin and growth of Christianity in America beginning in fifteenth century Europe and concluding with the Revolutionary War. More than dates and dead people, history is the result of God’s rule over the affairs of men and nations.
BT305: Creation: Our Foundation I* Dr. Grady McMurtry
Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: Introduction to the scientific method and a survey of the basic concepts of the biological, natural, and physical sciences. Related questions which confront the biblical Christian world view. Topics include scientific creationism, theistic evolution, Mt. St. Helens, physical evidences for Noah’s Flood, dinosaurs, geochronometers and the origin of the races.
PT340: Dynamics of Effective Communication*CEU Dr. Randal Langley
Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: A comprehensive study targeted for both beginning and veteran speakers in the art of public speaking and communication. Students are taught the SCORRE system—a creative and relevant communication model used by leaders to effectively penetrate today’s culture.
NT115: Survey of the New Testament I* Dr. Ronald E. Cottle
Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: Overview of the historical, political and social contents of the Gospels. Attention is given to authorship, dates, canonicity, structure, styles, and themes with emphasis and exposition of key passages and their doctrinal significance.
BT901: Introduction to Christian Evidences* Dr. Mike Chapman
Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: This course is designed to help the student gain a basic understanding of the field of Christian apologetics. It answers legitimate questions concerning vital areas of Christian doctrine leading to a stronger faith.
PT663: Healing the Wounded Heart Rev. Jack Frost
Availability: DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: This course is designed to bring light to hidden areas within you so that you may allow Christ’s love to transform you, thus bringing a change to all your relationships.
BT602: Historical Christianity and Other World Views* Dr. Stanley Fleming
Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: This course provides an overview of various theological cults and occult groups that are at odds with the essential doctrines of historic Christianity. The basic tenants of Christianity, the authenticity of the Bible and various theological cultures are examined.
OT115: Survey of the Old Testament I* Dr. Charles H. Gaulden
Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: A study of the first half of the Old Testament. Emphases include: major geography of the Old Testament and its impact on the Scriptures, the introduction to the Pentateuch, the introduction to the historical books, and seventeen Old Testament books.
PT301: Equipping for Evangelism CEU Rev. Gary Beasley
Availability: Live, DVD, VCD, MP3-CD, Flash Drive, Online
Description: Instruction on how to communicate the faith of Jesus Christ to others. This is an extensive and practical plan of personal evangelism. Emphasis is placed on following-up and establishing new converts into the local church.